My pet projects ━━┻━━━━━┻━━━━━┻━━━━━┻━━━━━┻━━━━━┛
Languages and libs I use:
Kotlin - Material, Dagger 2, Coroutines, Room, AndroidX (preference & datastore, lifecycle, navigation), Compose, Picasso, Retrofit (OkHttp), Leak Canary, Play Core, Insets
Rust - clap, rayon, nix, image, regex, indicatif, svg
Java🦖, Bash☠️, JavaScript💩
My work environment:
• Manjaro Linux & Windows 11 LTSC on PC
• Macbook Pro 14" (2021, M1 Pro)
• Macbook Pro 13" (2016, dualboot with Kali Linux)
I perform at meetups
My pet projects ━━┻━━━━━┻━━━━━┻━━━━━┻━━━━━┻━━━━━┛
Languages and libs I use:
Kotlin - Material, Dagger 2, Coroutines, Room, AndroidX (preference & datastore, lifecycle, navigation), Compose, Picasso, Retrofit (OkHttp), Leak Canary, Play Core, Insets
Rust - clap, rayon, nix, image, regex, indicatif, svg
Java🦖, Bash☠️, JavaScript💩
My work environment:
• Manjaro Linux & Windows 11 LTSC on PC
• Macbook Pro 14" (2021, M1 Pro)
• Macbook Pro 13" (2016, dualboot with Kali Linux)
I perform at meetups
Image to Flipper Animation converter
Lang: Rust
Tree file manager
Lang: Kotlin
WiFi scanner
Lang: Kotlin
Your feelings diary
Lang: Kotlin
Android extentet window insets
Lang: Kotlin
ADB console tool
Lang: Rust